A B O U T  U S



Title No
Hypoxia Cell Culture System with Cover for Various Concentrations of Gas No. 10-2014-0077306 (registration of patent)
Microfluidic chip for 3-dimensional cell culture and 3-dimensional cell culture method using the same No. 10-2018-0063732 (patent application)
Method of using Microfluidic Chip for 3-Dimensional Cell Spheroid Formation No. 10-2018-0135406 (patent application)
Sampling device for gas concentration measurement in cell culture system No. 10-2018-0056686 (patent application)


Title No
Certificate of Venture Business No. 201701
Certificate of Technical Achievement, NDB-2018-02-020649 NDB-2018-02-020649
Certificate of KITECH-Partner Company No. 2017-0027


Title Year
Functional equivalency in human somatic cell nuclear transfer - derived endothelial cells, Stem Cells 2019
Highly Elastic Graphene-Based Electronics Toward Electronic Skin.
Advanced Functional Materials
Optimizing human embryonic stem cells differentiation efficiency by screening size-tunable
homogenous embryoid bodies. Biomaterials
Cell Encapsulation via Microtechnologies. Biomaterials 2014
Large-Scale, Ultrapliable, and Free-Standing Nanomembranes. Advanced Materials 2013
A Cell Programmable Assay (CPA) chip. Labchip 2010