
Process Project Date Agency
Process.On Going Project. 줄기세포의 3차원 장기간 세포 배양 시스템 (창업성장기술개발사업) Date. 2018.12-2019.12 Agency. 중소벤처기업부
Process.On Going Project.Development of cell culture system in controlled micro-environment: Research of a improving
ADSCs (Adipose-derived stem cells) differentiation efficiency and a long term cell culture
Date. 2017-2021 Agency. NRF
Process.On Going Project.입주기업육성사업 (Title: 검색엔진 마케팅) Date. 2018-2019 Agency. DK Univ. BI Center
Process.On Going Project.보육역량강화사업 2차 (Title: 배양중인 세포들의 커뮤니케이션 확인용 바이오칩 시작품 제작) Date. 2018 Agency. DK Univ. BI Center
Process.On Going Project.보육역량강화사업 1차 (Title: 글로벌 홍보를 위한 영문 홈페이지 제작) Date. 2018 Agency. DK Univ. BI Center
Process.Past Projects Project.입주기업육성사업 (Title: 줄기세포 배양용 바이오칩 유동해석) Date. 2017-2018 Agency. DK Univ. BI Center
Process.Past Projects Project.보육역량강화사업 (Title: 단백질 분석 전처리를 위한 무전원 항온박스 개발) Date. 2017 Agency. DK Univ. BI Center
Process.Past Projects Project.민간수탁활성화 지원사업 (한국생산기술연구원) (Title: CFD를 이용한 바이오칩 유로형상 최적화) Date. 2017 Agency. DK Univ. BI Center
Process.Past Projects Project.보육역량강화사업 (Title: 제품 홍보용 3D 홍보 동영상 제작: 3D 세포배양 및 약물테스트 바이오칩) Date. 2016 Agency. DK Univ. BI Center
Process.Past Projects Project.Cell culture system with Hypoxia (low oxygen concentration control) Date. 2016 Agency. SMTECH
Process.Past Projects Project.Development of Commercial and Customized Biochip for Bio R&D Researcher Date. 2014 Agency. KISED
Process.Past Projects Project.Development of in-vivo like micro-environment-based the eye on a chip (Eyechip)
for a model implementation of ophthalmological Incurable disease.
Date. 2014-2017 Agency. NRF
